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Mandafofanda Reads Lots

The world isn't just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no?

And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no?
Doesn't that make life a story?

- Yann Martel, Life of Pi

The Assassin and the Princess - Sarah J. Maas An interesting beginning and entertaining heroine quickly drew me in, but the incomplete worldbuilding and non-mystery took away from the overall book. The banter is fun though!

Celaena is an intriguing character. She's a "world-famous" assassin and she's haughty, arrogant, and likes to tease and rile those around her. Within the first couple chapters, with her relentless tormenting of the stoic Captain Chaol, she had more or less won me over. But if you're looking for a glimpse into the mind of an assassin, this isn't that book. There were multiple times in the story that I was seriously questioning her skills. Like, if there is a murderer going around and you wake up with a giant bag of candy next to you, you aren't going to be cautious about gorging yourself at all? And how on earth do you constantly fall asleep around people or get snuck up on?

What this book has is a fun light read with banter and swoon factor, with a sprinkling of action sequences.

I really wish Maas had taken out all of Lady Kaltain's viewpoints, though. I don't think it added anything of value to the story and just served to emphasize how much of a social-climbing.. ahem.. girl she was.

And oh Chaol, you're adorable.