A pretty big disappointment because this is one of the more original UF ideas out there. I mean, killer fairies? And I thought West Nile was bad... Though coming from the same author that thought up [b:Juliet Immortal|9972882|Juliet Immortal (Juliet Immortal, #1)|Stacey Jay|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1358273112s/9972882.jpg|13479602], I'm not surprised she can think outside the box.
The book started off pretty good, even with a protagonist who's basically every potential in-law's worst nightmare. Annabelle Lee is an alcoholic med-school dropout slacker employee with commitment issues. I liked her. She had heart, even if a lot of her time was spent boozing or thinking of boozing or wondering if she can get away with chugging down a quick cold one for "liquid courage" before gearing up for something. All while denying that she has a problem.
The characters are interesting, if not very complex. The murder mystery is compelling. The worldbuilding is creative, though some random additions to the mythology was a bit off-putting the Invisible people.
What killed this book was the big climactic reveal scene. First of all, any reader who was paying attention could've figured out who the killer was when Annabelle is explicitly told that she was talking to him/her earlier, though she jumps to the wrong conclusion as to who the person was talking about. You mean you don't remember talking to Libby earlier that day? C'mon. I was paying attention. Second of all, the fact that there was a big climactic reveal scene. A scene in which Annabelle is on the verge of passing out for an
extremely long time, it seems, for someone who is so allergic and the killer(s) decide(s) to have a long and conveniently detailed conversation that revealed everything short of what colour underwear they were wearing. Seriously.
However, other than that I still liked Annabelle in all her crazy screwed-up-ness, and I'm still curious as to where the author will take this worldbuilding, so I'm going to check out the second book before discounting this series.
PS. Rooted for Cane.